What Are The Functions Of Communication?

What are the functions of communication? Communication is the process by which humans convey meaning. It involves both listening and speaking. Communication is an important part of social life, and it can also be used in business to help build relationships and gain customers, for example. We all have a need to express ourselves in some way or another through language. 

While there are many ways that we use our words, from written texts to spoken words, there are four main functions that all forms of communication serve: control (or persuasion), motivation, emotional expression (also known as self-expression), and information exchange. Each of these functions varies greatly depending on who’s doing the communicating and how they’re doing so; however, they are all interrelated in some capacity or another when trying to achieve an objective or achieve something specific within their respective categories.  


Communication is a necessity for human beings. Without it, we could not control our environment and live in peace. Communication allows us to:

  • Get what we want by controlling others or influencing them with our own ideas and beliefs.
  • Communicate with others so that they can help us achieve these goals. For example, if you want a new car but don’t have the money for one right now, then talking about it might convince your parents that they should give up their old car so that you can buy one instead of borrowing money from them (which would be risky).


Motivation is the desire to achieve something. It can be intrinsic or extrinsic, positive or negative.

Intrinsic motivation refers to an internal drive that propels you towards a goal; it’s self-rewarding and enhances your energy levels as you progress towards achieving your goal. This type of motivation originates from within—you don’t require anything external for it to be effective! For instance, if you desire something intensely (like chocolate), consuming it will provide you with the same satisfaction that cake would give to someone else: contentment and relaxation after enjoying the chocolate’s taste. If you’re looking to increase tiktok followers through purchase, consider exploring options like Acquire tiktok followers to bolster your presence.

Extrinsic motivation refers to when we’re motivated by rewards such as money or praise from others. Extrinsic rewards are things like praise from parents/peers/teachers etc., which may help keep students focused on schoolwork instead of getting into trouble outside class hours too often…but too much extrinsic reward might make them less likely than other kids their age who weren’t given this kind of attention every day at home either way.”

Emotional Expression

We feel, breathe, live, experience, cry, laugh, hurt, love, learn, dream. We experience emotions. Yet, when we have a big moment in our lives, it’s tempting to bottle up how we’re really feeling. Whether it be because of the safe environment we’re living in or because of the information we’ve been given, it’s hard to express emotions. Often, communicating our emotions is what helps us deal with problems that we face in our lives. Communication is a vital part of the human experience, so let’s make it the best it can be!

To be able to identify and understand emotions is a very important skill for a human being to have. Different situations call for different emotional expressions and it is important for a person to be able to react appropriately. For example, when you have to make a speech, you do not want to seem too happy or too sad. You would want to have an emotional expression that is appropriate for the event.

Emotional expression can be seen as a way of giving and receiving information. When we express our emotions, we are communicating with others about what they mean to us. This allows us to understand each other better and build rapport with them through shared experiences or commonalities in values and beliefs.


Communication is about a one-to-one exchange of information, but not just words and what you say, but how you say it and how it impacts others. Great communication skills are vital in a range of situations, from interviews and public speaking to presenting and reporting. Communication skills can be tricky to learn, but there are so many things you can do that help, from the way you speak to the way you present yourself. When practicing, don’t be afraid to speak and be seen, otherwise, how will you learn? And, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and you’ll quickly get better!

  • Sharing information: This can be through written or spoken words, video recordings, images or even silence.
  • Getting information: You need to ask for it before someone can give it to you.
  • Giving information: If someone asks for something from you (like an answer), then it’s your responsibility as an individual to fulfill their request by providing what was asked for—even if this means changing your plans in order to do so!
  • Receiving information: When your needs are met through receiving help from others instead of trying something yourself when possible because sometimes we don’t know enough about certain subjects at hand nor do we have all necessary resources available without which solving problems might become impossible due lack thereof

Social Interaction

Communication is a social process. We communicate with others to build relationships and share our thoughts, feelings and experiences with them. We use communication to find out what other people think and feel by asking questions or listening to their answers. In addition, we use it to influence the behavior of others by sharing information, requesting help or being assertive in situations that require us to make decisions quickly.

Communication can be verbal (speaking), nonverbal (body language) or written (writing). Verbal communication includes speaking words aloud as well as using written materials like email messages; nonverbal communication consists of body movements such as facial expressions; written means sending text messages via phone app such as WhatsApp

Social Evaluation

Social evaluation is the process of judging how well we are doing in a social situation. We judge our success in social situations by comparing ourselves to others. For example, if you were asked to give a presentation on the topic of “How to be more effective at work,” you might use this information as a reference point for evaluating your performance during the presentation.

Social evaluation is an important part of social interaction and communication because it allows us to learn from one another’s experiences and experience new things together with other people around us who share similar interests or beliefs.


The art of communication is the way it is presented, received and interpreted. Communication can be viewed as a series of steps that need to be taken to achieve your goal. Effective communication has five basic functions:

  • Facilitating understanding between people who have different goals or experiences
  • Providing information that helps people make better decisions
  • Expressing feelings and attitudes in ways that are understandable by others
  • Creating an atmosphere where people feel they can relax and express themselves freely (without the fear of judgment)

The way we do this varies from culture to culture, but there are some similarities across cultures – for example, most cultures agree on what looks good when communicating with others: eye contact; use of body language such as gesturing at objects around you; making sure you’re sitting up straight so people know where their eyes should focus on when speaking!

Appreciation of Beauty and Performance

Art is a form of communication that can help us express feelings and emotions. Art also plays an important role in our lives because it helps us appreciate beauty, as well as performance.

The appreciation of art has been shown to increase creativity, which can lead to new ideas or solutions for problems. With more creative thinking comes more innovation and breakthroughs in science, technology and business sectors. For example, when you see something beautiful like a painting or sculpture; then you think about how much work went into making it beautiful and what kind of emotions the artist was trying to convey with their creation. This makes sense because if someone creates something beautiful then they want everyone else around them to feel good about themselves too!

The major function of communication is to create meaning in our lives:

Communication creates meaning in our lives, tends to relationships and creates a sense of belonging. Communication helps us make sense of the world around us. It’s a process that involves two people (or more) exchanging information. Communication can be verbal or non-verbal, but it always involves some sort of exchange between individuals who are trying to influence each other’s behavior in some way. Naturally, marketing communication encompasses all different types of communication with your audience.

The most common forms of communication include:

  • Verbal – spoken words (such as “I love you”)
  • Nonverbal – gestures or body language that transmit meaning without saying anything at all (such as smiling when talking about something you enjoy spending time with someone else).

Types of communication

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Communication is the exchange of information between two or more people in order to achieve a common goal. The way you communicate with others can make a big difference to your success in your job and personal relationships. There are many different types of communications, so let’s take a look at some examples:

Verbal communication

Verbal communication is the most common form of human interaction. It’s used to convey information, emotions and persuade or convince others. Verbal communication can also be used to negotiate with people who have opposing viewpoints or ideas. It is certainly a more interactive method of conveying a message. Verbal communications are also referred to as “verbal messages.” This includes both spoken language (such as words) and signed language (like writing letters).

Non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication is the part of communication that’s not verbal. It includes body language, facial expressions, and other things we can’t hear. We use non-verbal cues to communicate with each other all the time in everyday life—if you’re talking to someone on the phone, they might be looking at their watch or nodding their head to indicate that they understand what you’re saying. These types of non-verbal cues are called “non-verbal behavior.”

Non-verbal behaviors are important because they help us understand how other people feel about something before we say anything else! For example: When I tell my mom about my day at school yesterday (which was really awesome!), she’ll probably smile and nod along with me as if she knows exactly what happened too! This shows me that she also enjoyed her day at work yesterday because she didn’t ask any questions about mine before agreeing with everything I said without even thinking twice 🙂

Written communication

Written communication is the simplest form of communication. It’s the oldest form and can be formal or informal, depending on the type of relationship you have with your audience. Some people even use writing in their intrapersonal communication. In written form, you can use any language that suits your purpose and situation. For example:

  • Business letters are usually brief (one to five pages long), but they’re still written in English because most English speakers don’t know other languages well enough to write them fluently without an interpreter present.
  • Letters from friends are often longer than business letters but still contain only one paragraph per page—and even then they might only run up to ten paragraphs total!


Communication is a key factor in any business. It’s important to make sure that your employees are getting the information they need, while also allowing them to express their ideas and opinions. If you want your team to feel like they’re contributing towards something meaningful, then communicating effectively can help achieve that goal.

This blog post has given an overview of the functions of communication within an organization: how it works, what it does and how it helps us as individuals and groups make decisions together. There’s still more work ahead though – we need to keep exploring ways of improving our own personal communications skills so that we become better communicators ourselves!

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